Research Assistants
The IMAP seeks to engage many students, from a variety of disciplines, in our research work as a part of their education.
Our current RA team includes:
Adham Badawy
PhD Candidate, Earth & Environment, BU
Sakshi Sharma
Research Assistant
Brian Sousa
MS Candidate, Climate & Health, BU School of Public Health
Alicia Zhang
PhD Candidate, Earth & Environment, BU
Our current graphics art team includes:
Formerly, the following students have participated in our research projects:
Claudia Diezmartínez
PhD Candidate, Earth & Environment, BU
Olivia Henning
MS Candidate, Energy and Environment, BU
Mira Kelly-Fair
PhD Candidate, Earth & Environment, BU
Emily Krichmar
JD Candidate, School of Law, BU
Nate Louf
MBA Candidate, BU PEMBA
Selenicah Maruza
Hubert Humphrey Fellow from Zimbabwe
Hallie Nothmann
BA Candidate, International Relations, BU
Sarah Pettengill
MBA Candidate, BU PEMBA
Yashi Phougat
BA Candidate, Communications, Morrissey College of Arts and Science, Boston College
Chris Sanchez
MBA Candidate, BU
Daralyn Wen
BS, Mechanical Engineering
Christina Young
MBA Candidate, BU
Former graphics artists include: