Ms. Aneela Devi is currently working as the Assistant Product Manager in Digital Banking Group at National Bank of Pakistan leading digital aspects of National “EHSAAS” Poverty Reduction Program launched by Govt of Pakistan to reduce poverty through financial inclusion. Her core responsibilities working in Digital platforms includes launching an online portal, vendor management, and ensuring availability of all banking activities and services online to improve customer experience. In addition, she has led different projects related to implementation of the payment system platform for payments of Online Fee facility for emigrants, enabling channels like 1-Link, NIFT e- payment gateway etc. Apart from this, she has been involved in the Human Resource Department to address and resolve the employees’ issues pertaining to a variety of grievances to improve service and satisfaction level of employees in accordance with the policy of the institution.
During the Humphrey Fellowship Program, she aims to explore best digital practices used in United States financial institutions regarding financial technology and digitization processes, offering of new product & services and security measures taken to safeguard customers’ as well as bank’s own interest. She plans to undertake courses related to innovative financial technology, enterprise risk management, banking and finance, Project Management and Innovation & Strategy to polish my profession, as well as personal skills.
She holds an MBA in Human Resource Management from Isra University Hyderabad and a Bachelor’s in computer science from Mehran University of Eng. & Technology, Hyderabad.