Kilachand Center’s New MRI Scanner Yields Outstanding Data
CNC team invites neuroscientists across both BU campuses to use machine Neuroscientist Tyler Perrachione, who studies speech and language, is delighted with BU’s new Siemens Prisma 3 Tesla MRI scanner in the Cognitive Neuroimaging Center at the Rajen Kilachand Center for Integrated Life Sciences and Engineering. Photo by Mira Whiting Photography. Neuroscientist Tyler Perrachione, who studies […]
BU-Led Neuroscientists Get $7.5 Million from US Navy
CAS prof oversees multicenter effort on brain’s rule learning Michael Hasselmo, director of BU’s Center for Systems Neuroscience, is principal investigator on the Navy grant. “How do brain circuits mediate learning rules of different types?” he asks. “To me, this is a central question of brain research.” Photo by Kalman Zabarsky. Learning new rules is […]
BU Researchers Get State-of-the-Art MRI Scanner
$1.6 million from NSF for centerpiece of new Center for Cognitive Neuroimaging The Siemens 3 Tesla Magnetic Resonance Imaging scanner will be housed within the new Center for Integrated Life Sciences & Engineering building, on BU’s Charles River Campus. Photo courtesy of Siemens Healthineers. The National Science Foundation (NSF) has awarded Boston University researchers $1.6 […]