
The University encourages individuals to seek help. We recognize the decision to report is not easy and are committed to ensuring that everyone understands the options available to them and the various ways the University can address harm while offering support and care.

Individuals will have several options when it comes to reporting incidents of discrimination, sexual harassment, dating/domestic violence, stalking, sexual exploitation, and other unwanted contact. You can choose to submit an Incident Report Form for an incident you experienced, witnessed, or heard.

If you would like to discuss your options confidentially first, you have the option to talk to a Confidential Resource.

As you consider your options, keep in mind the following:

  1. Support is available throughout the reporting process.
  2. You can choose to notify the incident to the University anonymously.
  3. Filing an incident report is not the same as filing a formal complaint.
  4. You have the option to request your complaint to be withdrawn at any time.
  5. We can answer any questions for you to make an informed decision about which process is right for you.

What will happen after I submit the Incident Report?

1. Initial Assessment

The Title IX Coordinator or team member will review the information to determine whether it may be a possible violation of University policy, and will respond to any immediate health or safety concerns raised by the report. If the information appears to rise to potential prohibited conduct, the Title IX Coordinator or team member will request to meet with the party who filed the report.

2. Initial Outreach

A member of the Title IX team will conduct outreach by email to the person who allegedly experienced harm. The email will contain information about their rights, available resources, and supportive measures, as well as an invitation to meet with a team member.

3. Intake Meeting

Meeting with the Title IX Coordinator or Title IX Team member is encouraged, but is completely voluntary. You are welcome to bring an Advisor or support person to every meeting. The purpose of the meeting is to review your rights, available resources, supportive measures, and resolution options.

If the party declines to meet, the University may dismiss and then close the complaint. At any time, a party can change their mind and file a Formal Complaint to move forward.

In extraordinary circumstances, BU may proceed without the impacted individual if there is enough evidence and information available. This is because BU has a duty to end prohibited conduct to keep community members safe.

4. Supportive Measures

Supportive measures are available to mitigate the effects of the alleged prohibited conduct, maintain access to the University, and prevent any reoccurrence.

You DO NOT have to file a Formal Complaint to request supportive measures.

Examples of Supportive Measures include: Referrals to on/off campus counseling services, requests for academic flexibility, housing or schedule changes, No Contact Directives (this is a stay away order directing a party not to contact another)

5. Explore Resolution Options

The impacted individual can decide which resolution option is best for them. They can pursue any of the following resolution options:

  1. A University Resolution Process is available if the Respondent or the party accused was associated with BU at the time the alleged incident occurred. The University offers two options:
    1. Formal Grievance Complaint Process and
    2. Informal Resolution Process
  2. Criminal Process with the Police
  3. Both
  4. None of the Above

You are NOT required to participate in a resolution process. You can choose what reporting option works best for you.

For the procedure of the University’s resolution process, see here to learn more.