Barber Shops

Nu Image

An old-school barbershop with a great vibe that’s comfortable for all genders.

1 reviews
African American African Diaspora: African Islanders Asian Asian American Black and Brown People Cape Verdean Indigenous/Native American Middle Eastern/North African

What people are saying about them:

Crystal W.
I'm a Black woman who wears a short natural. After moving here, I was having a difficult time finding a natural hair stylists for my little 'fro. So, I was going down to New York to get my hair cut. Ouch! Expensive! A friend suggested Bernard at Nu Image. I've been going ever since. He's lovely and always gives me a great cut. In fact, people ask me all the time: who cuts your hair? Plus, you can make reservations online, which is GREAT!
African American African Diaspora: African Islanders Asian Asian American Black and Brown People Cape Verdean Indigenous/Native American Middle Eastern/North African

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