Elizabeth Kaye
Professor of Health Policy & Health Services Research
Research Description
Research focuses on the association of skeletal bone density to tooth retention in the elderly, on genetic and environmental influences on bone and teeth and on smoking cessation.
Inagaki K, Krall EA, Fleet JC, Garcia RI (2003). Vitamin D receptor alleles, periodontal disease progression, and tooth loss in the VA dental longitudinal study. J Periodontol. 74(2):161-7.
Krall EA, Garvey AJ, and Garcia RI (2002). Predictors of delayed smoking relapse in men: findings from the Normative Aging Study. Nicotine &Tobacco Research. Vol 4, p 95-100.
Krall EA, Wehler C, Harris SS, Garcia RI, and Dawson-Hughes B (2001) Calcium and Vitamin D Supplements Reduce Tooth Loss in Elders. Am J. Med. 111:452-456.
Inagaki K, Kurosu Y, Kamiya T, Lomdo F, Yoshinari N, Noguchi T, Krall EA, and Garcia RI (2001) Low Metacarpal Bone Density Increases the Risk of Tooth Loss and Periodontal Disease in Japanese Women. J. Dent. Res. 80:1818-1822.
Garcia RI, Henshaw MM and Krall EA (2001). Relationship between periodontal disease and systemic health. Periodontol. 25(1):21-36.
Krall EA, Garvey AJ and Garcia RI (1999). Alveolar bone loss and tooth loss in male cigar and pipe smokers. J. Am. Dent. Assoc. 130(1):57-64.
Krall EA and Dawson-Hughes B (1999). Smoking increases bone loss and decreases intestinal calcium absorption. J. Bone Miner. Res. 14(2):215-20.
Krall EA, Hayes C, Garvey AJ and Garcia RI (1997). Study finds a correlation between smoking and tooth loss. J. Mass. Dent. Soc. 46(1):20-3.
Krall EA, Garcia RI and Dawson-Hughes B (1996). Increased risk of tooth loss is related to bone loss at the whole body, hip, and spine. Calcif. Tissue Int. 59(6):433-7.
- Departments
- Health Policy & Health Services Research
- Affiliations
- Faculty