Training for Bench, Clinical, Biomedical, Translational and Population Health Researchers

Are you planning on submitting your first R01 proposal to the NIH for the June 5th, 2025 deadline?  Would you benefit from a structured program where you write the Research Strategy component in sections and get feedback along the way?  Are you interested in getting and providing feedback to your peers who are going through the same process?  Can you commit to participating in seven workshop sessions over the Spring? The CTSI will conduct an R01 writing workshop starting on 2/10/25 that will culminate on 5/5/25 with a mock study section.  The workshop is open to BU faculty who have not previously received R01-level funding from the NIH.  (Space is limited, and participants will be selected based on a competitive application process.)

Participants in the R01 Proposal Writing Workshop will:

  • Learn about the components of an R01 proposal and the NIH review process.
  • Complete weekly assignments that involve writing different components of the R01 proposal, including Specific Aims and Research Strategy, or critiquing components submitted by other workshop participants.
  • Participate in workshop sessions (both in-person and remote) that combine didactic and assignment review components.
  • Work together with their mentors and co-investigators to refine the scientific plan throughout the workshop
  • Have a complete Specific Aims and Research Strategy in early April that is ready for review by a “mock study section” which will held in early May.
  • Participate in the mock study section and experience how NIH proposal review works. Receive written feedback similar to an NIH “Summary Statement”.
  • Receive written comments at least three weeks prior to the June 5th, 2025 R01 submission deadline so that the proposal can be further modified to reflect strengths and weaknesses identified during mock study section review.