Innovative Energy Efficiency: Fisheye Cameras in Smart Spaces

Imagine a bustling corporate office building where energy consumption needs to be balanced with maintaining a comfortable environment for employees. In such settings, traditional methods of regulating air handling systems can lead to inefficiencies and waste energy in unoccupied areas. This is where the research of Boston University Professors and CISE affiliates Thomas Little, Janusz […]

CISE Students Win CSS TC 2024 Outstanding Student Paper Prize

The committee for the Outstanding Student Paper Prize 2024 announced this year’s prestigious award recipients. Among six national nominations, one paper written by two CISE students stood out for its innovative contributions to the field of smart cities. Ehsan Sabouni and H.M. Sabbir Ahmad and their collaborators are exemplars of academic excellence and collaborative spirit. […]

New Artificial Intelligence Program Could Help Treat Hypertension

High blood pressure is a major risk factor for heart disease and stroke, two leading causes of death in the U.S, and it is on the rise in this country. Nearly one in two adults have high blood pressure according to the Center for Disease Control. While hypertension is a treatable medical condition, it can be […]

Using Soft Robotics to Increase Safety and Success in Surgery

  Lung cancer affects more than 230,000 Americans, and more than 120,000 will die from it every year. However, the efficiency and consistency of lung cancer biopsies are low, reaching nearly 81%, according to a recent study. Professor Sheila Russo, the founder and director of the Boston University Material Robotics Laboratory, works to combat untrustworthy cancer […]

A Breakthrough in Security for Decentralized Multi-Robot Systems

In disaster situations like hurricanes, collapsed buildings, and nuclear incidents, the difference between a one-hour response time and a one-day response time can mean life or death. To mitigate these situations, multi-robot systems (MRS) are being increasingly used in search-and-rescue (SAR) operations. Unmanned robots have assisted in SAR efforts following Hurricane Katrina, the Fukushima Daiichi […]

Cheng & Tian’s Newest Microscopy Advance Published by Nature Communications

Professor Ji-Xin Cheng’s research group has made notable strides in improved chemical  imaging technologies, especially for medical purposes, over the last few years. Their latest, the development of a new type of mid-infrared photothermal (MIP) microscope, was published by Nature Communications in December. The paper, co-authored by collaborator and CISE affiliate Professor Lei Tian, Post-Doctoral Associate […]

Estimating the Improbable with PhD Student Zack Bezemek

Could oil price volatility cause a stock market plunge? What’s the risk factor of a new drug causing a seizure? How likely is it that a driverless car could crash into a bus? What’s common among these seemingly disparate topics is that they are “rare events” –  low-probability incidents that, if they occur, often have […]

Sabelhaus Research: Advancing the Safety of Soft Robots for Human Interactions

  The emergence of soft robots will enable safe human interactions which will allow robots to assist in the industrial, medical, automotive and space industries. College of Engineering Professor Andrew Sabelhaus (ME, SE), has been working on making soft robots safer to improve these human interaction tasks, in areas such as medicine, as well as […]

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