Our Lab has four presentations at the upcoming Clinical Aphasiology Conference

Relationship between levels of assistance and changes in treatment performance in individuals with aphasia-­‐Understanding individual responsiveness to rehabilitation: Des Roches, Mitko &  Kiran Evaluating treatment  and generalization patterns of two theoretically motivated sentence comprehension therapies; Vallila-­‐Rohter, Des Roches, Tripodis, Caplan, & Kiran Understanding semantic and phonological processing deficits in adults with aphasia: Effects of category and typicality. Erin Meier, Melody Lo and Swathi Kiran Domain general vs. […]

Aphasia Lab presents three posters at #OHBM

Aphasia Lab will present three posters on brain mapping and connectivity at the annual human brain mapping #OHBM in Hawaii in June. Vallila-Rohter, S., & Kiran, S. (2015, June). Neural activations during feedback-based and paired associate category learning in aphasia.  Poster to be presented at the annual Organization for Human Brain Mapping Meeting, Honolulu, HI. […]

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