Copy the URL of any YouTube video. On BUniverse, go to Upload, and simply paste the YouTube URL. The video's title, description, thumbnail, and tags will be automatically added.
Tagging means to attach keywords, typically of one to three words each, to each video that help describe it. Because BUniverse uses tags to group videos, it's important to use BU-related keywords such as class IDs, college/school and department names, etc. There's no limit on the number of tags you can add to each video, just separate them with commas. Effective tagging not only helps the system group similar videos, it also makes it easier for people to find your videos.
For more information, visit YouTube's Help topics.
YouTube hosts videos that are uploaded through BUniverse. Once uploaded they will appear here, on Boston University's official YouTube channel, and anywhere else that they've been embedded.
You can do that. Click "My videos," in the upper right-hand corner of the screen. A list of the videos you've uploaded will appear. Next to each one, click "delete" or "edit." You have the ability to edit the title, description, or category—everything except the thumbnail. The video will remain on YouTube until you remove it.
All kinds. Experiments, lectures, speeches, panels, concerts, sporting events, student films, original political commentary, complaints, rebuttals. We expect BUniverse to host all manner of videos reflecting the academic and campus life of the University.
The kinds that could get you in trouble. No underage drinking or other illegal activity. No harassment or abuse. Read our Terms of Use. No copyright infringements, either. That means you can't use that Def Leopard song as your background music. It doesn't mean you can't use any background music; Visit for lawful alternatives to commercial music.
To the right of each video, click on "Report abuse." Follow the prompts from there. At the bottom of each comment, as well, you can click on "Report abuse." Be sure to use this function only to alert us to videos or comments that actually meet the definition of "abuse." (So, not simply a video or comment whose premise or conclusion you disagree with.) See the Terms of Use.
It could be that the content was inappropriate or otherwise violated our Terms of Use. Videos should not be abusive or depict underage drinking or other illegal activity, or use copyright-protected material. (You can't use a Michael Jackson song as background music; See Visit for other options.)
Rather than adding videos to BUniverse with an individual account, we recommend applying for a login that is associated with your college/school or department instead. For more information, and the application, see the Create an Account section on BU's IS&T site.
Absolutely! But, you must have an alumni account in order to login to BUniverse. It's easy to get one. Just fill out this form on alumni web.
Your videos stay on BUniverse, but the byline will be removed if the exact BU login is ever repurposed. For graduated students, logging into BUniverse with your alumni account will automatically change your byline to your new alumni login.
Yes. If it's in your budget, and you give us enough lead time, you can have your event professionally filmed. Contact us and select the category "Hiring BUniverse to record my event."
For more information, visit YouTube's Help topics.
Still having problems? Shoot us an email and maybe we can help.
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