Abstract Submission
Please submit your 500 word abstract here.
Decisions will be released no later than the first week of August.
Please review the abstract format requirements, review guidelines, review process, and FAQ before submitting your abstract.
The Paula Menyuk Awards are available to offset some of the travel expenses for students who are first authors on top-rated abstracts.
In addition to a 500-word PDF submission, please include a 150-word short abstract, to be published in the conference program if your abstract is accepted.
We look forward to receiving your submission. Although each author may submit as many abstracts as desired, we will accept for presentation by each submitter a maximum of 1 first-authored paper/poster. There is no restriction on the number of acceptances for other author statuses. After reviewer scores have been z-scored and weighted by reviewer confidence, if multiple abstracts from the same first author are above the threshold for acceptance, only the highest rated abstract will be accepted, and the other abstract(s) will be rejected.