BUCLD 33 Online Proceedings Supplement
Edited by Jane Chandlee, Michelle Franchini, Sandy Lord, and Marion Rheiner
March 2009
Syntax Informs Two-Year-Olds’ Expectations about Verb Meaning
Sudha Arunachalam and Sandra Waxman
The Role of Parental Mental-State Talk in the Development of Social Understanding
Michelle Chouinard and Lizbeth Duran
Metalinguistic Awareness in Monolingual and Bilingual Children and its Relationship to Receptive Vocabulary Scores and Performance on a Reading Readiness Test
Denise Davidson and Vanessa Raschke
Individual Differences in Preschoolers’ Text Comprehension: Contributions of Verbal Abilities, Short-Term and Working Memory
Elena Florit, Maria Chiara Levorato, and Maja Roch
Pied-piping in embedded contexts in the acquisition of English: A qualitative study of comprehension
Claire Foley and Nathan Keegan
An acoustic analysis of child language productions with reduced clusters
Margarita Gulian and Claartje Levelt
Age Effect on the Acquisition of Second Language Prosody
Becky Huang and Sun-Ah Jun
Early lexical composition of Cantonese-English bilingual children
Joanne Lee
The Recognition of Verb Roots & Bound Morphemes when Vowel Alternations Are at Play
Alexandra Marquis and Rushen Shi
Root Infinitives in Japanese and the Late Acquisition of Head Movement
Keiko Murasugi and Chisato Fuji
Word Recognition in German Primary School Children with English as a Second Language: Evidence for Positive Transfer?
Antje Pillunat and Dany Adone
‘The doctor’s mother’ or ‘the mother of the doctor’?: Syntactic priming of possessive noun phrases in English preschoolers
Barbora Skarabela and Ludovica Serratrice
L2 acquisition of P modifiers: Fine-tuning the linguistic expression of trajectories
David Stringer, Beatrix Burghardt, Yi-Ting Wang, and Hyun Kyoung Seo
Morphological cues vs. number of nominals in learning verb types in Turkish: Syntactic bootstrapping mechanism revisited
Deniz Yüret, A. Engin Ural, Nihan Ketrez, Dilara Koçbaş and Aylin C. Küntay