• Sophie Yarin

    Associate Editor, BU Today; Managing Editor Bostonia

    Photo: Headshot of Sophie Yarin. A white woman with wavy brown hair and wearing a black dress and gold necklace, smiles and poses in front of a dark grey backdrop.

    Sophie Yarin is a BU Today associate editor and Bostonia managing editor. She graduated from Emerson College's journalism program and has experience in digital and print publications as a hybrid writer/editor. A lifelong fan of local art and music, she's constantly on the hunt for stories that shine light on Boston's unique creative communities. She lives in Jamaica Plain with her partner and their cats, Ringo and Xerxes, but she’s usually out getting iced coffee. Profile

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There are 6 comments on An Alum’s New Memoir Recounts Six Decades of Beatlemania

  1. Debbie, I am eager to read this. I was born just six months after that famous Ed Sullivan appearance so my Beatles experiences and fandom come later. But I recently visited Liverpool to see where it all started; I attended the Brooklyn Museum showing of Paul McCartney’s photography (1963-64) which is a historical journey of that most significant year; and I just read (twice) this fabulous book called Reunion – A rock and roll fantasy, which brought me so much joy as a Beatles fan. I know yesterday was also an opportunity to get inside Abbey Road Studios as one of my favorite DJs was there and I cannot wait for him to share his joy on the radio. ANYWAY.. i will be reading your book!

    1. Hi Leora,
      Thank you for sharing your comments. I hope you enjoy the book and please let me know your thoughts when you are done.
      The main purpose in writing the book was for all to share their Beatles experinces.
      With best regards,

      1. Dear Debbie,
        I am that 17 year old boy running after their limo as seen in the new movie BEATLES 64.
        I contributed 31 seconds of silent color footage to the director. I also had my Beatles Fan Club featured in the February 1964 issue of 16 magazine., Please write back as I have so much to share with you.

  2. BU has its own connection with the Beatles. When the ‘Paul is dead’ rumor was rampant in 1969, WTBU was the East Coast clearinghouse for the latest clues on their songs and album covers. I was one of the campus station’s DJs fielding phone calls from other colleges and even New York radio stations. In fact, I still have a tape of one of our shows during that fab and frenetic period. Perhaps, Debbie, you were in one of the dorms listening in. Anyway, I went on to win a few Emmy Awards myself, and today have as a hobby buying and selling Beatles 45s on eBay. I look forward eagerly to reading your recollections.

  3. Hi Jon,
    Thank you for sharing your “Paul Is Dead” experiences. It was quite a time. I don’t remember listening to your broadcasts at the time, but I can say that WABC in New York did find me living at “700” and called to get my comments.
    I think you will enjoy other details in the book. I share the story told to me by Sir Paul’s brother Mike McCartney of how he was set up to comment on the hoax on a TV show in the US. Fans still seem to be debating this even today!
    I look forward to your comments.
    With best regards,

  4. Fall 1968 freshman year and the jukebox at West Campus is playing Hey Jude over and over and over. Gimme a couple of beers and I can still sing it…well at least the chorus!

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