In Honor of World Smile Day, Here are Seven Animals Smiling

Just For Fun

In Honor of World Smile Day, Here are Seven Animals Smiling

Why? Because it’s adorable!

October 2, 2020
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1. When you spot your friend walking down Comm. Ave.

2. The face you make when your professor cancels class:

3. When you get an email from

4. When the Green-line doesn’t run express to Harvard Ave.

5. When your online order is ready the second you walk into the coffee shop:

6. Pulling up to your 8 am like…

7. And last but not least… Go Terriers!

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In Honor of World Smile Day, Here are Seven Animals Smiling

  • Raveena Pandhare (Questrom’22)

    Raveena Pandhare (Questrom’22) is a social media intern with BU Public Relations, she can be reached at Profile

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