Five BU Superstitions to Watch Out For

Just For Fun

Five BU Superstitions to Watch Out For

Want to graduate on time? Better not step on the Seal

October 29, 2020
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Watch out, Terriers—there may be more than students wandering campus at night. Legends of ghosts and curses have been passed down from student to student. To help preserve them, we made our list of the most infamous ghosts and curses at BU.

1. Avoid knocking over salt shakers in the GSU

Sprinkling a little salt on your food can add some much-needed flavor to your day. However, spilling the whole shaker over your delicious lunch will leave your meal and mood more bitter than a BC student watching our Terriers win another hockey game. Before adding some taste, just make sure the cap is on tight. 

2. The Ghost of Kilachand Hall

Within the walls of Kilachand Hall, the ghost of a playwright is doomed to wander the halls. Before it was a dorm, Kilichand Hall was a hotel. It hosted many of America’s elite, including American playwright Eugene O’Neill. Unfortunately, O’Neill died in Room 401 on November 27, 1953—but some students say he never left. People staying on the fourth floor have reported paranormal activity. Some say the ghost likes to flicker the lights and open doors. Don’t worry, folks, he’s a friendly ghost.

3. Don’t step on the Seal

Perhaps the scariest of all, the Seal is the most well-known curse on campus. To those out of the loop, legend has it that if you step on the Seal on Marsh Plaza, then you won’t graduate. A scary prospect considering all of those prerequisites you’ve had to endure. 

4. The BU Castle

Over a century old, the Dahod Family Alumni Center at the Castle (affectionally known as the “BU Castle”) holds much history within its walls. The old-style architecture gives the building an imposing presence amongst the surrounding buildings. But did you know that ghosts walk the wooden floors at night? That’s what the Ghostbusters believed at least. The Castle is featured front and center in the opening scenes of 2016’s Ghostbusters reboot. Who says BU can’t make it on the silver screen? 

5. The Beanpot

Each year Terriers around the country get excited about watching BU face off against Boston’s best in the Beanpot hockey tournament: Boston University, Boston College, Harvard, and Northeastern. But after taking home 31 out of 69 Beanpot championships, it seems like BU is cursed to dominate the tournament. Let’s hope this curse never dies. Go, Terriers!

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Five BU Superstitions to Watch Out For

  • Tim North (COM’22)

    Tim North (COM’22) is a social media intern with BU Public Relations. He can be reached at Profile

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There are 2 comments on Five BU Superstitions to Watch Out For

  1. SED ’64 graduate and then it was Shelton Hall, not Kilachand. Where did that come from? Even though Iived in Towers for 4 years, everyone knew the O’Neill died there.

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