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There are 9 comments on POV: What You Can Do about “Racist Terrorism”

    1. These two words often go together quite well.

      If religious faith leads people to be more informed & engaged citizens, that is definitely a good thing.

      Even on ASDF’s own terms it’s easily addressed. Pray can go in one sentence, Vote in the next. There, problem solved!

  1. I think the most salient part of the “You” in the title is that we understand it to be a plural. Surely, we can individually call out racism and prejudice, challenge micro-aggressions, advocate and work against racist ideas and corporate policies and practices. The presence of those more limited expressions of oppression are aided and abetted by governmental and social structures and systems that require communal and organized and constant progressive engagement to wipe out racism from the cultural environment. We must not only keep the awareness of the effects and targets of racism on the forefront of our conversations, at the top of our front pages, in our conversations online and in real life, but also the stories and possibilities of positive change and successful applications of anti-racism work that are going on in many places, but not yet enough places or often enough. That work is happening at BU and should be supported in robust fashion. It is happening in our communities and in organizations. And it will take all of us, together, to do some of the most important work we have the opportunity to do in this and future lifetimes.

    Thank you for this inspiring writing.

  2. Pretty much a dishonest and largely incoherent screed. Apparently, the good Reverend Hill is unfamiliar with the the 8th commandment. There’s so much wrong with this article that is just a reflexive recitation of unthinking leftist ideology that one could write an entire thesis on the psychological and sociological pathologies from which it draws.

    “They died because…” with a long list of demonstrably false leftist pablum. They died because a sociopathic and delusional racist decided he wanted to try to start a race war. FULL STOP. This has nothing to do availability of guns, pervasive racism, state’s rights, or “continuing impacts of chattel slavery 150 years ago”. That is just complete nonsense.

    The Reverend quotes the Gospel of Mark, but then engages in flagrant eisegesis to make scripture fit his political agenda. Didn’t they teach you anything in the seminary, Reverend?

    If this was simply a unthinking editorial on or the Puffington Host it would be one thing. The fact that is extracted from an actual sermon is positively alarming. Not only does the Reverend sin from the pulpit he doesn’t even proclaim the Gospel: God’s promise for the forgiveness of sins, received by faith by God’s grace, secured through Jesus’ sacrifice on the cross. Where is Christ? Where is the cross in this, so called, sermon? This is what passes for a proper sermon in the Reverend’s church? Repent, Reverend Hill, and prayerfully consider the meaning of your call.

    I will say this: I certainly agree the Reverend’s sentiment,now ever I artfully expressed, that God makes no distinctions and that pew fellowship is important and it is a place where people of all backgrounds unite in what is most important: their faith in Christ Jesus. Inexplicably, the Reverend fails to quote one of the most important passages on this topic from Galatians: “So in Christ Jesus you are all children of God through faith, for all of you who were baptized into Christ have clothed yourselves with Christ. There is neither Jew nor Gentile, neither slave nor free, nor is there male and female, for you are all one in Christ Jesus. If you belong to Christ, then you are Abraham’s seed, and heirs according to the promise.”

    My prayers are sincerely with the family and friends of trhe victims of this vicious attack. I was moved and pleased at their attitude of forgiveness toward the perpetrator. They understand that forgiveness is not a feeling or emotion and that as we are, as Christians, called to forgive in the way Christ has forgiven us through no merit of our own; we endure in the full and blessed assurance that Christ is always with us in this fallen world and that the destiny of all who believe is eternal life with Christ Jesus. Their loved ones are with Him and they will meet again. This is most certainly true.

    That’s the way you speak to the faithful, Reverend. We are PROMISED hardship and persecution in this life. Jesus said so. But, He will always be with us and our destiny is not the grave. He promised that too.

  3. Their lives would have been equally precious had they not been Methodist, and praying for peace and justice and participating in religious community is not always done on Sunday.

  4. I find it very sad when people use tragedies like this one to promote their personal political agendas. There are many countries that are more violent than ours where people are not allowed to own guns at all. In Russia, nearly twice as many people as in the U.S. are murdered as a percentage of population, mostly with knives. Conviction is always strongest when knowledge is the least, and it takes a very strong conviction to turn a tragedy into a justification for one’s personal political beliefs. I have found this to be especially true when clergy get involved in economics or politics. Both subjects require a great deal of study to really understand, and politics is not taught in seminary other than in the form of opinion. The hallmark of knowledge is humility, because the more you know about anything, the more you realize that you never did have all the answers.
    On the other hand one part of Rev. Hill’s job is to comfort his listeners, and perhaps that was what he was trying to do. Helplessness in the face of such a tragedy is very difficult to endure.

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