

Below are the list of people who operate, advise, and support the ARROWS program and its work to advance women in Science, Technology, Engineering, and Mathematics (STEM) at all levels at BU.

ARROWS Faculty & Staff
The faculty and staff who keep the ARROWS program running.

External Advisory Board
The External Advisory Board consists of distinguished scientists and engineers in the Boston area who are committed to advocating for women in STEM. It provides ARROWS with observations and viewpoints of what successful work is being done in both the worlds of academia and industry.

Internal Advisory Board
The Internal Advisory Board consists of BU faculty and staff and is in place to provide ARROWS with insights and perspectives from a wide cross-section of the university’s different stakeholders and STEM departments.

Assistant Professor Programming Committee
The Assistant Professor Programming Committee meets with ARROWS to discuss issues facing female STEM faculty at the assistant professor rank in particular, as well as suggesting specialized programming.