Television Studies

COM FT 520

As an omnipresent site of entertainment and information, "reality" and fantasy, "quality" and "trash," and commerce and the public interest, television requires an active, critical analysis of its texts, uses, and production of meaning. Students in this class will engage in such analysis, confronting television as a rich and contradictory site of entertainment, culture, politics, ideology, and signs. This discussion driven seminar sets aside evaluative considerations of TV in favor of theoretical and critical approaches that challenge widespread assumptions about the medium and expand our understanding of its role in our lives. These approaches, which constitute some of the dominant frameworks in Television Studies, include analyses of culture, industry, narrative, genre, images and sounds, liveness, and the television schedule. This course fulfills the additional TV Studies course requirement. Pre-req: FT303.

FALL 2023 Schedule

Section Instructor Location Schedule Notes
A1 Jaramillo COM B31 T 12:30 pm-3:15 pm Stamped Approval
Pre-req: FT303

Note that this information may change at any time. Please visit the Student Link for the most up-to-date course information.