UHA Extends a Warm Welcome to Incoming BU Students


UHA Eboard
From left: Sarah Newell, president; Thomas Pelkey, Vice President; Katie Rice, Treasurer; Sarah Mosher, Secretary; and Aiden Thomas, Public Relations Chair.

The Undergraduate History Association appeared at SPLASH on Nickerson field on the semester’s first Saturday. From their table topped with UHA posters and mailing lists, the club officers espoused information about the association and its activities to passerbys (mostly curious freshmen). Extending a warm welcome to not just History majors, but anyone with even a bit of an interest in the subject, the group invited these potential members to attend upcoming events such as trips to the Boston Athenaeum, a planned trip to New York City’s The Cloisters, and the UHA’s annual History Career Panel. The UHA looks forward to seeing those new faces on their trips and hopes to spark new interest in the educational andĀ fascinatingĀ field of study.