Myles Standish Hall – Construction Activity – 1/28/17- 2/3/17

Myles Standish Hall 1/26/17

For 1/28/17 to 2/3/17:
Deliveries Subcontractors will receive deliveries all week between 7 a.m. and 6 p.m. on both Beacon Street and Bay State Road.

Onsite Construction

 Saturday Work – 01/28/17

  • Interior MEP installation
  • Interior framing
  • Loading exterior staging on Beacon Street and installation of staging on Bay State Road

 Verizon Off-Hours Work – 01/29/17 to 2/2/17  

  • Verizon has informed us that they will be working on site from 7:00 p.m. to 6:00 a.m. from Sunday to Wednesday. Verizon’s work is unrelated to the project.

 Snow Removal

  • During any snow events snow removal operations may be occurring at all hours in order to keep up with the snow and get site ready for workers. These operations will require equipment, trucking, and manpower.


  • Load out at Beacon Street – Load out demolition debris from 1st floor to dumpster with ongoing daily dumpster swaps.
  • Demolition of 1st floor (interior)

Masonry Restoration (Exterior – Bay State Road and Beacon Street)

  • Continue rebuilding exterior façade on the Beacon Street and Bay State Road sides of the building.
  • Continue installation of concrete masonry units at 1st
  • Continue installation of windows.

 Roof (Exterior)

  • Continue installation of roofing.

Alley Between Annex and Myles at Bay State Road (Exterior)

  • Continue exterior restoration.
  • Eversource will be pulling wires for new service.

Site Utility Work

  • No site utility work this week.

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