

As administrators, faculty, staff, and student body, we care for the School as an institution and for each of our colleagues and patients as individuals.

As Faculty,

  • We serve as role models for compassion in our dealings with all patients.
  • We remember what it was like being a dental student. We understand that the road toward competence and proficiency is a work in progress and strive to support our students through their struggles.
  • We work cooperatively with students to solve problems.
  • We strive to understand all sides of a story.
  • We understand that there may be external factors affecting the performance of others.
  • We understand that being compassionate toward everyone creates a positive environment for all of us.

As Students,

  • We appreciate that patients may be fearful and may have difficulty understanding the information we provide. They may also have difficulty responding to our questions and statements. We listen carefully and patiently, seeking to empathize with them and to provide reassurance.
  • We acknowledge that professional dental education can create a stressful environment for students, faculty, administrators, and staff. In our interactions, we understand that there may be external factors affecting the performance of others.
  • We work cooperatively to achieve our success, without undercutting others.
  • We understand that being compassionate toward everyone creates a positive environment for all of us.
  • We uphold the standards of compassion that the privilege of the profession entails. “Our knowledge is not just for ourselves and should be shared with the community.”

As Staff,

  • We make patients confident that we care for them, by listening carefully, responding appropriately, and providing for their physical and emotional comfort. We strive to be friendly and accessible to everyone.
  • We understand that being compassionate toward everyone creates a positive environment for all of us.

As Researchers,

  • We appreciate and respect the people with whom we work and acknowledge them as human beings, not just work colleagues or employees.
  • We understand when students, staff, or peers have personal issues which may affect their responsibilities to us.
  • We treat experimental subjects (human, animal, etc.) ethically with care and appreciation, and protect them from harm.
  • We understand that being compassionate toward everyone creates a positive environment for all of us.

As Administrators,

  • We foster an environment in the GSDM community which is safe and supportive for patients, students, and employees.
  • We are accessible and show concern and care when called upon.
  • We model compassion for others beyond self-interest.
  • We are proactive in our concern for others in need.