"Global Influences on Modern Hebrew: a Linguistic and Historical Exploration," with Dr. Ruvik Rosenthal

  • Starts: 4:00 pm on Monday, February 8, 2016
Dr. Ruvik (Reuven) Rosenthal is an Israeli writer and linguist, and an expert on Modern Hebrew, Israeli military language, and Israeli slang. He is the author of eighteen books, including the Dictionary of Israeli Slang (2006), children’s books and documentaries and essays. Since 1997, Rosenthal has written a weekly column on language for the daily Maariv newspaper which can also be found on his website הזירה הלשונית "The Language Arena.” There will be a reception after the talk. Presented by the Hebrew Program at MLCL sponsored by MLCL and EWCJS.
CAS 533B (Geddes Language lab)

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