Myriam Bienenstock Lectures on Emmanuel Levinas

  • Starts: 5:00 pm on Wednesday, April 10, 2013
Myriam Bienenstock, a widely respected scholar of German idealism and a leader in modern Jewish philosophy, will be visiting campus through the month of April, hosted by The Elie Wiesel Center for Judaic Studies, The Institute for Philosophy & Religion, and The BU Center for Humanities. She will be giving three lectures on Emmanuel Levinas on April 10, 17 and 24 at 5 p.m. at the Elie Wiesel Center for Judaic Studies. Dr. Bienenstock is a respected scholar of German idealism (esp. Hegel’s philosophy of history) and an eminent leader in modern Jewish philosophy (esp. Cohen, Rosenzweig, and Levinas). She currently serves as the president of the International Franz Rosenzweig Society. Recent publications include: G. W. F. Hegel, Introduction à la philosophie de l’histoire. Traduction (Paris 2011); Hermann Cohen. L’idéalisme critique face au matérialisme. (Paris, PUF, 2011); Héritages de Franz Rosenzweig. Nous et les Autres. (Paris, 2011); and Religiöse Toleranz heute — und gestern. (Freiburg/Munich, Alber, 2011).
Elie Wiesel Center for Judaic Studies, 147 Bay State Rd

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