Images of Motherhood

Toni Pepe finds inspiration and meaning in 20th-century newspaper photography

Today’s Close-up

Sophia Caffrey (left) (COM 25) and Kayla Lok (COM 27) take a selfie with President Melissa Gilliam during BU Night at Time Out Market on September 23, 2024. The evening was for students to meet President Gilliam, this indoor “block party” will featured music from a jazz combo of BU students, free swag, and discounted food and drinks for students.Jackie Ricciardi for Boston University Photography

Inaugural Festivities: BU Night at Time Out Market

One of the celebrations marking the inauguration of Melissa L. Gilliam as BU’s 11th president was held at Time Out Market September 23. At the indoor block party, featuring music from a jazz combo of BU students, free T-shirts and food and drinks, students got to meet and talk to their new president. Some, like Sophia Caffrey (COM’25) (left) and Kayla Lok (COM’27), were even able to get selfies with her.

Photo by Jackie Ricciardi

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Photo: A woman with dark hair and glasses smiling and posing in a lab. There is a video play button over the image
Soft Robots

Just How Safe Are Soft Robots?

BU undergraduate Sarah Alizadeh-Shabdiz is trying to find out, with the help of a remote control car

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The Brink

#TerrierTuesdays are back! Meet Ylisse Vistan (COM’25).

Your inside scoop on one of the many amazing Boston University Terriers making moves on our campuses every day. This week, meet Ylisse Vistan (COM’25).

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