Grades and Course Units

University Policy

Graduate School of Arts & Sciences Policy

The Graduate School of Arts & Sciences uses a system of letter grades for evaluating coursework, as shown in the following chart.

Questions about a grade should be first addressed to the instructor of the course and then, should the question persist, to the chair/director of the department/program.

Grade Explanation

Grade Explanation
A Pass with units
C+ Considered failure
P Pass with units
I* Incomplete, with additional work required
J Registration in same or continuing course in the following term necessary (excluding summers)
AU Audit, no units
N No units granted toward a graduate degree
W Withdrew after five weeks
MG** Missing grade, grade not assigned

*Incomplete grades must be resolved within one year, at which time the grade will be converted to the final grade indicated on the I Grade Report form, or “F” if no grade is indicated.

**Students will not be permitted to graduate with an MG in a non-PDP course. MGs in all non-PDP courses must be resolved before graduation. Students are permitted to graduate with an MG in a PDP course on their transcripts. However, students should be aware that MGs on the transcript are not desirable.

The designation of “MG” indicates an unresolved status. “MG” is assigned by faculty to students who have never attended the course or who have stopped attending the course before the last day to drop a standard class without a “W” grade (see the Office of the Registrar’s website for date). Note: for students who have stopped attending a course after the last day to drop a standard class without a “W,” “I” or a letter grade may be the most appropriate grade. See the policy on “Incomplete” grades.