James Cherry


  • Title Professor
  • Phone (617) 353-3254
  • Education PhD, North Carolina State University

Director of Graduate Studies
 Laboratory of Molecular Neurobiology & Behavior

My research interests address sex dimorphisms in the nervous system.  In general, our goal is to understand the extent to which behavioral sex differences are anatomically ‘hard-wired’, or are due to the presence of particular gonadal hormones (e.g., testosterone and estradiol).  I currently use the mouse olfactory system as a model to understand the pathways and mechanisms by which odors involved in reproduction, such as pheromones, are processed differentially by males and females, and the role of gonadal hormones in affecting such processing.  We have also begun to apply this analysis to other sexually dimorphic behaviors exhibited by rodents, with the goal of extending our findings to humans.

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