IJAHS 52:3 (2019)
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The following individual articles are also available online:
- Historicizing African Socialisms: Kenyan African Socialism, Zambian Humanism, and Communist China’s Entanglements (25 pages)
- Italy’s Ethiopian Mercenaries, the Forgotten Terenebulé (23 pages)
- James Aggrey and the African Nation: Pan-Africanism, Public Memory, and Political Imagination in Colonial East Africa (25 pages)
- Research Note: East African Slave Trade Exhibit, Christ Church Anglican Cathedral, Zanzibar, Tanzania (5 pages)
- Review Article: Crises and Continuities in Somalia’s Longue Duree (16 pages)
- “Ban This Cruel Sport Boxing”: Shaping the Ideal Masculine Citizen in Post-WWII Colonial Lagos, Nigeria (23 pages)