
Kaplan E, Naeser MA, Martin PI, Ho M, Wang Y, Baker EH, Pascual-Leone A. 2010. Horizontal portion of arcuate fasciculus fibers track to pars opercularis, not pars triangularis, in right and left hemispheres: A DTI study. NeuroImage 52, 436-444. pdf

Martin PI, Naeser MA, Ho M, Doron KW, Kurland J, Kaplan J, Wang Y, Nicholas M, Baker EH, Fregni F, Pascual-Leone A. 2009. Overt naming fMRI pre- and post-TMS: Two nonfluent aphasia patients, with and without improved naming post-TMS. Brain and Language 111, 20-35. pdf

Martin PI, Naeser MA, Doron KW, Bodgan A, Baker EH, Kurland J, Renshaw P, Yurgelun-Todd D. 2005. Overt naming in aphasia studied with a functional MRI hemodynamic delay design. NeuroImage 28, 194-204. pdf

Kurland J, Naeser MA, Baker EH, Doron K, Martin PI, Seekins HE, Bogdan A, Renshaw P, Yurgelun-Todd D. 2004. Test-retest reliabililty of fMRI during nonverbal semantic decisions in moderate-severe nonfluent aphasia patients. Behavioral Neurology 15, 87-97. pdf

Naeser MA, Martin PI, Baker EH, Hodge SM, Sczerzenie SE, Nicholas M, Palumbo CL, Goodglass H, Wingfield A, Samaraweera R, Harris G, Baird A, Renshaw P, Yurgelun-Todd D. 2004. Overt propositional speech in chronic nonfluent aphasia studied with the dynamic susceptibility contrast fMRI method. NeuroImage 22, 29-41. pdf

Transcranial Magnetic Stimulation

Naeser MA, Martin PI, Theoret H, Kobayashi M, Fregni F, Nichols M, Tormos JM, Steven MS, Baker EH, Pascual-Leone A. 2011. TMS suppression of right pars triangularis, but not pars opercularis, improves naming in aphasia. Brain and Language 119, 206-213. PubMed

Naeser MA, Martin PI, Lundgren K, Klein R, Kaplan J, Treglia E, Ho M, Nicholas M, Alonso M, Pascual-Leone A. 2010. Improved language in a chronic nonfluent aphasia patient after treatment with CPAP and TMS. Cognitive and Behavioral Neurology 23, 29-38. PubMed

Naeser MA, Martin PI, Treglia E, Ho M, Kaplan E, Bashir S, Hamilton R, Coslett HB, Pascual-Leone A. 2010. Research with rTMS in the treatment of aphasia. Restorative Neurology and Neuroscience 28, 511-529. PubMed

Martin PI, Naeser MA, Ho M, Doron KW, Kurland J, Kaplan J, Wang Y, Nicholas M, Baker EH, Fregni F, Pascual-Leone A. 2009. Overt naming fMRI pre- and post-TMS: Two nonfluent aphasia patients, with and without improved naming post-TMS. Brain and Language 111, 20-35. pdf

Martin PI, Naeser MA, Ho M, Treglia E, Kaplan E, Baker EH, Pascual-Leone A. 2009. Research with transcranial magnetic stimulation in the treatment of aphasia. Current Neurology and Neuroscience Reports, 451-458. pdf

Naeser MA, Martin PI, Nicholas M, Baker EH, Seekins H, Helm-Estabrooks N, Cayer-Meade C, Kobayashi M, Theoret H, Fregni F, Maria-Tormos J, Kurland J, Doron KW, Pascual-Leone A. 2005. Improved naming after TMS treatments in a chronic, global aphasia patient - Case Report. Neurocase 11, 182-193. pdf

Naeser MA, Martin PI, Nichols M, Baker EH, Seekins H, Kobayashi M, Theoret H, Fregni F, Maria-Tormos J, Kurland J, Doron KW, Pascual-Leone A. 2005. Improved picture naming in chronic aphasia after TMS to part of right Broca's area: an open-protocol study. Brain and Language 93, 95-105. pdf

Martin PI, Naeser MA, Theoret H, Tormos JM, Nicholas M, Kurland J, Fregni F, Seekins H, Doron K, Pascual-Leone, A. 2004. Transcranial magnetic stimulation as a complementary treatment for aphasia. Seminars in Speech and Language, 25(2):181-191. pdf

Light-Emitting Diode (LED) and Laser Therapies

Naeser MA, Hamblin MR. 2011. Potential for transcranial laser or LED therapy to treat stroke, traumatic brain injury, and neurodegenerative disease. Photomedicine and Laser Surgery 29, 443-446. PubMed

Naeser MA, Saltmarche A, Krengel MH, Hamblin MR, Knight JA. 2011. Improved cognitive function after transcranial, light-emitting diode treatments in chronic, traumatic brain injury: two case reports. Photomedicine and Laser Surgery 29, 351-358. PubMed

Hashmi JT, Huang YY, Osmani BZ, Sharma SK, Naeser MA, Hamblin MR. 2010. Role of low-level laser therapy in neurorehabilitation. Physical Medicine and Rehabilitation, Suppl. 2, S292-S305. PubMed

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Structural Imaging, Relation between Lesion Site and Recovery

Naeser MA, Palumbo CL. 1994. Neuroimaging and language recovery in stroke. Journal of Clinical Neurophysiology 11, 150-174. pdf

Alexander MP, Naeser MA, Palumbo C. 1990. Broca's area aphasias: aphasia after lesions including the frontal operculum. Neurology 40, 353-362. pdf

Naeser MA, Gaddie A, Palumbo CL, Stiassny-Eder D. 1990. Late recovery of auditory comprehension in global aphasia. Archives of Neurology 47, 425-432. pdf

Naeser MA, Palumbo CL, Helm-Estabrooks N, Stiassny-Eder D, Albert M. 1989. Severe nonfluency in aphasia: the role of the medial subcallosal fasciculus plus other white matter pathways in recovery of spontaneous speech. Brain 112, 1-38. pdf

Naeser MA, Helm-Estabrooks N, Haas G, Auerbach S, Srinivasan M. 1987. Relationship between lesion extent in 'Wernicke's area' on computed tomographic scan and predicting recovery of comprehension in Wernicke's aphasia. Archives of Neurology 44, 73-82. pdf

Freedman M, Alexander MP, Naeser MA. 1984. Anatomic basis of transcortical motor aphasia. Neurology 34, 409-417. pdf

Pieniadz JM, Naeser MA. 1984. Computed tomographic scan cerebral asymmetries and morphologic brain asymmetries - correlation in the same cases post mortem. Archives of Neurology 41, 403-409. pdf

Naeser MA, Alexander MP, Helm-Estabrooks N, Levine HL, Laughlin SA, Geschwind N. 1982. Aphasia with predominantly subcortical lesion sites: description of three capsular/putaminal aphasia syndromes. Archives of Neurology 39, 2-14. pdf