Submitting to JOSTL

The Editorial Board for the Journal of Science & Technology Law (JoSTL) invites the submission of unsolicited manuscripts. Submissions may include previously unpublished articles, essays, case notes, or comments concerning any aspect of the relationship among science, technology, and the law. If any portion of a manuscript has been previously published, the author should so indicate. In addition, the author should include his or her credentials, including full name, degrees earned, academic or professional affiliations, and citations to all previously published legal articles. Because JoSTL prioritizes publishing a variety of articles while constrained by a limited page count, we highly encourage the submission of shorter pieces. Exceptional manuscripts over approximately 25,000 words in length will still be considered, but we generally prefer manuscripts under that length.

Please note that JoSTL does not accept submissions from law students currently enrolled at other schools.

Please see our Open Access Publication Agreement.


Manuscripts should be submitted in Word format. Word files should be double-spaced with one-inch margins. Authors should include a list of prior publications and a resume or CV with any submission. Authors should retain a backup copy of any file submitted. Please submit manuscripts for consideration via our Scholastica website at Correspondence to the Journal of Science and Technology Law may be addressed to, but articles sent via email will not be reviewed.


Manuscripts to be considered for publication in the Winter issue should be submitted between May 15 and September 1. Manuscripts to be considered for publication in the Summer issue should be submitted between September 15 and February 15. Submissions will be evaluated on a rolling basis during these periods.


All citations should conform to The Bluebook: A Uniform System of Citation (21st ed. 2020). Authors ordinarily need not indicate the denial of petitions for certiorari. Articles with severe citation issues will not be accepted.

Copyrighted Material

If material contains any copyrighted table, chart, graph, illustration, photograph, or more than eight lines of text, the author must obtain written permission from the copyright holder for use of the material. A photocopy of such written permission should accompany the submission.

Conflicts of Interest

Authors should disclose at the time of submission any financial, consulting, or other arrangement they may have with a company or organization whose products or interests figure prominently in the submitted manuscript. This information will be held in confidence while the paper is under review and will not influence the editorial decision. If such a paper is accepted for publication, the editor will discuss with the author(s) the manner in which such information will be disclosed to the reader.