Idea to Enhance Bus Stops Wins Community Transit Design Challenge
On Thursday, January 28, 2021, the Community Transit Design Challenge, a partnership between Innovate@ BU and the Massachusetts Association of the Blind and Visually Impaired (MABVI), came to a close as three teams led by Boston University students and recent alumni presented their venture ideas to solve community transit problems that will benefit society at large–and particularly for seniors and the blind and low vision community.
Over the last year, the teams have fine-tuned their idea with the help of workshops and learning sessions organized by Innovate@ BU and MABVI.
At the virtual event, Sarah Hillesheim (ENG’21) was awarded the grand prize for her solution, Better Bus Stops. Better Bus Stops proposes installing high-contrast, tactile talking buttons at bus and above-ground T stops that dictate line, stop name, and travel direction. Sarah will receive $5,000 in seed money as well as mentorship.