This page offers answers to commonly asked questions from clinics about HIPAA. If you can’t find your question here, please reach out to hipaa@bu.edu.

Quick links: De-identified Patient Information | Responding to Online Reviews


De-identified Patient Information

De-identified patient information is data that has had personally identifiable information (e.g., a person’s name, email address, or social security number), including protected health information (PHI; e.g. medical history, test results, and insurance information) removed.







Responding to Online Reviews

Patients will occasionally leave online reviews (e.g., Google reviews, Yelp, etc.) about their experience at a healthcare facility and/or about their provider. It is tempting to respond to those reviews, whether good or bad. However, responding to a review can be a HIPAA violation and a violation of state privacy laws, so it is best practice to not respond at all. The following are some FAQs about responding to online reviews: