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ACS Account Eligibility

As a general guideline, all on-campus students who have active status with the University Registrar are eligible for an ACS account. In addition, all on-campus faculty or staff are eligible if they are active with the Office of Personnel (or retired from the University). It is possible that individuals with other affiliation to the University will not be eligible for an ACS account.

Your ACS account expires when you leave the University, unless you are a retiring from employment. For more information, please see Account Expiration.

Creating an Account

Individual accounts for BU students, faculty, and staff are processed online. You'll be given detailed instructions as you proceed through the application. Be sure to have your BU ID number on hand. Your BU ID number can be found on your BU Terrier card.

Once you have completed the online application, you must present your current BU ID at The IT Help Center located at 533 Commonwealth Avenue in Kenmore Square, or at Mugar Library. Your account will normally be available within twelve hours.

Start the online application.


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November 4, 2009