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Disk Quotas

Disk quota refers to the amount of disk space an account owner is allowed to use for storing files. These files can be text documents, programs, graphics, and so forth. Your disk quota is based on your affiliation, as shown in the table below:

Affiliation Quota
Faculty 50 MB
Graduate Students 25 MB
Undergraduate Students 25 MB
BU Staff 50 MB
Guests 5 MB

Determine your disk usage

Learn how to view your disk usage by following these steps.

Request more disk space

All requests for disk space are subject to review. You can request to have your disk space increased in either of two ways:

  • Use the online form.
    You will be prompted for your BU login name and Kerberos password. If you are a student, you will be asked to provide the name of your faculty sponsor.

  • Use the print form.
    This form is in PDF format and includes instructions. Note: If you are a student, you must have the course professor or your advisor sign the form before you submit it.


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February 16, 2005