From Grad Students to Groundbreakers
In this series
Chapter 1 From Grad Students to Groundbreakers
For 11 years, CAS and ENG prof Mark Grinstaff and the more than 20 graduate students and postdoctoral fellows in his Grinstaff Group have been combining their expertise in chemistry, pharmacology, and biomedical and mechanical engineering to tackle complicated medical challenges.
Chapter 2 Drug-Packed Nanoparticles KO Mesothelioma
For 11 years, CAS and ENG prof Mark Grinstaff and the more than 20 graduate students and postdoctoral fellows in his Grinstaff Group have been combining their expertise in chemistry, pharmacology, and biomedical and mechanical engineering to tackle complicated medical challenges.
Chapter 3 High-Tech Mesh Delivers Chemo to Patients with Early-Stage Lung Cancer
For 11 years, CAS and ENG prof Mark Grinstaff and the more than 20 graduate students and postdoctoral fellows in his Grinstaff Group have been combining their expertise in chemistry, pharmacology, and biomedical and mechanical engineering to tackle complicated medical challenges.
Chapter 4 A Better Way to Find and Treat Osteoarthritis
An estimated 27 million Americans have osteoarthritis, a degenerative disease that destroys cartilage and underlying bone. BU's Grinstaff Group members are developing new technologies and treatments that could improve discovery and diagnosis—and slow the rush to joint replacement.