Annual Calendar

July New Fiscal Year begins.
September–October Stage I Budget Development Kickoff.
October Institutional Research requests new entering student projections for current year and out-year.
October First Quarter Forecast distributed and submissions due for current Fiscal Year.
October Stage I Submissions due for the following Fiscal Year.
November–December Budget Hearings are held to review Stage I Submissions with senior leadership.
November–January Nonrepresented merit increase process (both exempt and nonexempt employees).
January Second Quarter Forecast distributed and submissions due.
Late January–Early February Institutional Research requests new entering student projections for current year and out-year.
March–April Stage I Final Approvals and Trustee Review.
April Third Quarter Forecast distributed and submissions due.
April–May Budget for following Fiscal Year is populated in SAP.
Late May–Early June Institutional Research requests new entering student projections for out-year.
June–July Preliminary multiple-year budget projections due for selected areas.
May–July Stage II Realignments due for the following Fiscal Year.
Late June–July Year End Closing.