BU Alumni Web

Bostonia: The Alumni Magazine of Boston University

Winter-Spring 2010 Table of Contents

Letters To The Editors

Bostonia welcomes readers’ reactions and encourages expressions of opinion,
pro and con. Submit your letter below.

Parting Ways

I was very moved by your article profiling Robert Bouchie and the anatomical gift program at the School of Medicine (“Parting Gifts,” Fall 2009). I filled out all the paperwork to donate my body to the program about two years ago, but I know my children may not really understand why I did this. I have made copies of the article for each of them and hope they will be as touched by the care and dignity expressed by Bouchie and his students as I was. It confirmed to me that I have made the right decision, and I hope my family finds some comfort in knowing that I can continue to help people after my death.

Linda Luke (COM’72, SED’74) Hingham, Massachusetts

It was very interesting to read about Robert Bouchie’s important work at MED. Eddie McCarthy, who was the anatomy lab custodian in my time, was an equally caring individual and a great friend to all the medical students.

But the profile of Monica Jain (ENG’08, MED’12) in the same issue was of interest, too (“Alumni Notes”). When the current Seven-Year Medical Program was a six-year program, throughout the sixties, seventies, and eighties, many of us started MED at the age of nineteen. I suppose that’s unusual today. But I don’t think we were any less mature or motivated than anyone else, and many of us have excelled since graduating.

Louis J. Scheinman (CAS’72, MED’75) Toronto, Canada

The Freep Lives On

I appreciated your story on the Daily Free Press (“Free Press Under Pressure,” Fall 2009) and concur with the alumni who credit their careers in journalism and other fields to what they learned at the student newspaper.

A commuter student from Lynn, I fell into being a reporter and Thursday night assistant editor in my last semes­ter almost by accident. Covering the U.S. Marine recruit­ment protests, the trials of Students for a Democratic Society members at Roxbury District Court, and other tumultuous campus events that semester proved to be the best part of jour­nalism school for me and invalu­able for future work in jour­nalism and wherever life has taken me.

The challenge for the Free Press and daily independent journalism today lies in building self-sustaining models online that need not go to print everyday.

John McNamara (CGS’70, COM’72) New Britain, Connecticut

As an alumna of the Daily Free Press, I really enjoyed the story on the Freep. I was, however, extremely disappointed that your coverage seemed to focus on every component of the newspaper (the writers, the buildings, the financial problems) except its photographers. Where are the photography alumni of the Freep today?

Jenny Ahlen (CAS’02, GRS’04) Little Rock, Arkansas

I always enjoy Bostonia and in particular the latest issue. The Daily Free Press article was a terrific walk down memory lane for me. I served as John Silber’s press secretary from 1980 to 1986, prior to joining Caltech. The Silber administration and the Freep always made for great copy. It is so nice to read some familiar names — Don Van Natta, Ian Fisher — I can say I knew them when!

I appreciate the great stories even though the names have all changed after these many years.

Bob O’Rourke Pasadena, California

Aging Well

I found the way you tied the Centenarian and Long Life studies together quite interesting (“Life Goes On,” Fall 2009). I am one of Helen Caldwell’s daughters, and somehow my aunt, Peggy Brack, the youngest of the Hurlburt clan, was misidentified as Peggy Condon in the article (a couple of times!). I know I will live to an old age like my mother and aunts and uncles, but I’ve got a ways to go.

Peg Condon Wellesley, Massachusetts

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Which is lightest? elephant, cat, moon, tissue