
Officers of the BME GSC are nominated from and elected by members of the BME graduate student body at Boston University.
A list of current GSC members can be found here.
A list of previous GSC members can be found here.

Join Us

Interested in joining the GSC? Officer elections are held at the end of every Spring semester and in the Fall for incoming students.

Don’t want to be an officer but still want to participate? The GSC has several ways you can participate without being an officer:

  • The Department Seminar Subcommittee is open to all members of the BME graduate student community! You can sign up here.
  • Townhall Meetings occur three times a year and are a way to provide feedback about classes, department and GSC events, and grad student life.
  • Complete surveys and questionnaires sent out by the GSC! Your input directly affects our programming and our communication with the Department.
  • Be a volunteer at an event hosted by the Outreach Subcommittee. You can sign up here.
  • Other comments/questions/ideas/concerns? Email us at or fill out our anonymous feedback form.