• Alene Bouranova

    Writer/Editor Twitter Profile

    Photo of Allie Bouranova, a light skinned woman with blonde and brown curly hair. She smiles and wears glasses and a dark blue blazer with a light square pattern on it.

    Alene Bouranova is a Pacific Northwest native and a BU alum (COM’16). After earning a BS in journalism, she spent four years at Boston magazine writing, copyediting, and managing production for all publications. These days, she covers campus happenings, current events, and more for BU Today. Fun fact: she’s still using her Terrier card from 2013. When she’s not writing about campus, she’s trying to lose her Terrier card so BU will give her a new one. She lives in Cambridge with her plants. Profile

    Alene Bouranova can be reached at abour@bu.edu

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There are 12 comments on Student Sexual Assault Survivors Group Campaigns to Shut Down Barstool BU

  1. “and there have been allegations that the company has a history of sexually harassing its female interns and employees”

    Would love the author to explain this sentence in more detail. While many of your claims are at least verifiable (although all deal with content on a comedy platform – something I don’t expect the left to even begin to be able to comprehend), this one to my knowledge has historically been an unfounded charge that critics make toward the company workplace and have been substantially exactly zero times. To the contrary actually, media regularly have gone digging to expose this as fact and have come up empty handed on every occasion. The media even go so far as to silence the female voices in the company whose accounts do not fit their narrative:


    Boston University verifiably has far more reports of workplace harassment (sexual and otherwise) than Barstool Sports has had. Yet these students happily shovel over mom and dads tuition money to come here and yell at the clouds.

  2. A lot of the comments for the page use thinly veiled coded language. What is meant by college humor? Is misogyny and discrimination inherently a part of that? And if it’s “entertaining enough” that’s ok? Seems to me that many students just lack the ability to take a closer look at their own behaviors and how they contribute to bigger issues with their comfortable complicity.

    1. Who is your favorite stand-up comedian? I would like to explore their back catalogue to ensure they have never made a joke I would find personally offensive. Thanks in advance.

      1. Thanks for asking Frannie! My personal favorite stand up comedian is John Mulaney. On another note, this isn’t about what is “personally offensive.” Misogyny and discrimination should be unilaterally condemned. Sweeping this under the rug or ignoring such instances only catalyzes environments where such inequalities occur.

        1. I agree. And so do the little people John refers to as “midgets” in his comedy special. It’s cool if you’re in to making fun of little people but the LPA considers the word a derogatory slur – so perhaps you might take a closer look at your support for such behavior and how it contributes to bigger issues.

  3. You guys need thicker skin. If barstool BU is an issue for you, then ignore them. Don’t read that publication. Don’t click on their website or social media pages. It’s not that hard! I don’t support their posts or website, but I also don’t support the “cancel culture” because of their posts. As we say in Texas, “y’all need to get a life.”

  4. I am a graduate student who went to a diffrent institution as an undergraduate. I knew people who were sexually assaulted at the party scene. I found the Barstool-affliated account at my alma mater disgusting – how could people promote such dangerous behavior by glamorizing it and film others who are at risk as a result of it? Seeing a video of someone poking an unconscious girl with a shoe made me feel uneasy. I even saw video compilations of people partying hard and trashing campus when my college announced that it would be shifting online due to COVID. There were also disrespectful memes about those that work toward keeping people safe. It is clear that Barstool-affliated accounts promote behavior that disregards the well-being and safety of others – I shudder to think about how many impressionable younger students got hurt because they saw the content that glorifies unsafe behavior and tried to “fit in” by doing the same. Especially with the additional risk of COVID, it is disturbing to think that there are accounts that can cause physical and emotional harm through its questionable content unchecked.

  5. I swear these students nowadays are sensitive. If you get your feelings hurt by anything, it is best that you delete your Instagram page. Better yet, stay away from social media, that way you take time to reflect why you are so sensitive. Barstool BU, keep doing you with all the fun and funny content.

  6. Freedom of Speech. If you don’t like it, don’t look at it. It’s that simple. And to blame it on White Men is very cliché. Your movement will get nowhere if you cry at every single thing.

  7. Hmm, Barstool BU sounds a lot like the Howard Stern show, which I listened to in my early 20’s. (Howard Stern being a graduate of BU.) As William Hanley points out, I was able to find amusement in Howard’s off-beat humor and still remain an opponent of sexual assault.

    Please, if you’re offended by silly college-guy humor, then don’t “tune in.” If we censor everything that someone might be offended by, there will be no more humor.

    Speaking of vulgar and offensive language, I wonder, did these same critics also push to shut down the F*ck It Won’t Cut It campaign, which was sponsored and lauded by BU? Or is there only certain vulgarity they don’t like?

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