• Bella T. Fong (CAS’21)

    Bella T. Fong (CAS’21) can be reached at btfong@bu.edu. Profile

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There is 1 comment on POV: Governor Baker Signs Much Needed Campus Sexual Assault Bill

  1. These nonprofits and government organizations are doing much-needed work. As someone with experience of s*xual violence, I am so glad to see steps taken forward in the right direction, starting with “Act Act Relative to s*xual Violence on High Education Campuses.” All of the steps in this law; to develop MOUs, provide confidential services, creating an amnesty policy, administer mandatory campus climate surveys, and requiring evidence-based annual prevention/response training are necessary.
    I don’t want to diminish the importance of all of these things, but a lot more needs to be done that isn’t being addressed. Though this law establishes an amnesty policy, this sadly isn’t realistic for higher-ed settings. Even when these rules are in place, they aren’t enforced. Commonly, employers find a way to fire someone for ulterior (or made-up) reasons. Unless the victim has legal resources, fighting back against these decisions is often impossible.
    Boston University has a s*xual assault problem. Sadly, instances of misconduct (like those told on the @campus.survivors Instagram page) are swept under the rug to diminish bad press. In addition, BU gives support to many fraternities that are complicit in s*xual assault/r*pe culture. Just 22 hours ago, @campus.survivors posted a story from a survivor at BU detailing a s*xual assault that took place in Allston (this is, sadly, where many assaults happen due to frat culture and parties). The survivor went on to tell how no action was taken place because of intimidation from her attacker. She would see him everywhere- at FitRec, in the dining halls, and at TITS. She literally hid in the corner at FitRec because she was so scared of seeing him.
    Instead of just dealing with the fallout from s*xual assaults, more precautions need to be taken place. This starts with increased awareness of s*xual misconduct and educating everyone on campus (especially male teachers, students, and BU staff) about r*pe culture.

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