• Jessica Colarossi

    Science Writer Twitter Profile

    Jessica Colarossi is a science writer for The Brink. She graduated with a BS in journalism from Emerson College in 2016, with focuses on environmental studies and publishing. While a student, she interned at ThinkProgress in Washington, D.C., where she wrote over 30 stories, most of them relating to climate change, coral reefs, and women’s health. Profile

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There are 7 comments on How Testosterone Changes the Voices of Trans Men

  1. What an amazing story! As a mom of a transgender individual, I was very intrigued to read this and I appreciate that someone thought to do this kind of research. Bravo!

    1. I would have loved to read that during our study. It never came up in any databases or searches, and it looks like the dissertation was uploaded on CU Boulder’s site in Nov 2019 and in a Wiley location in late June 2018; I only found it just now by searching his name specifically. Most of my work and writing for this happened in spring 2018 and before, and his stuff just never came up anywhere in the searches then or later on when adapting it to publishing format.

      There’s hardly any research on this subject, particularly outside of singing voices and/or sample sizes that are less than even 15 people. What’s out there is very difficult to find unless you already know the names or titles you’re looking for. I’m sorry we didn’t find his work to include it, or I can guarantee we would have. It wasn’t for lack of trying as I spent many years on it. We don’t claim to be the first trans voice study, just one of the first of its kind to go beyond pitch. It’s nice to see one other person doing that as well, and now we know about that source for future.

  2. Mmm.
    I agree. Voice change is something that’s very important, the second being chest surgery.

    Would like to see a more detailed study following voice samples of transmen in transition.

    1. That was our ideal study design, but we didn’t have the ability to make it happen. Our collaborators in the Stepp Lab are working towards that though, so hopefully in the near future we can see that work being done with appreciable sample sizes!

  3. Thank you to Graham, for your resaerch and dedication to the transmasc/nonbinary community. I have been searching so long for scientific studies and information on voice changes in trans guys. This is an extremely validating study, and while I’m sure there are additional studies, they certainly aren’t easy to find! Graham I hope you continue this research, because as a transguy, I found this to be not only useful to me as a scientific nerd (lol), but also this study aids in trans visibility and validation. I’ll be passing this along to my friends who are also frustrated with the lack of available information. Thank you so much and good luck in your studies!

  4. i am transitioning as gender non-conforming at the age of 73. i have read that there is ossification in the larynx by the age of 70 and have been looking for research regarding the effect of testosterone on the voice of elder ftm individuals. there is definitely a paucity of research. thank you for contributing to the conversation.

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