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There are 12 comments on Lessons from Teotihuacan

  1. Teotihuacan is among the most important & remarkable archaeological sites in the world. Thank you for helping to make it better known to the BU community.

  2. Excellent article/videos. Congrats to Prof. Carballo and his team for their progress and their efforts to make us understand our world a little better. “How do you get people to cooperate on this scale?” . This question really resonates…
    Gracias Prof. Carballo!

  3. Dear Professor Carballo:
    Thank you so much for your intelligent and hard work on the Teotihuacano civilization. Teotihuacan is such an amazing archeological place…!!! I do remember finding on the outskirts around the Sun Piramid, when I was about 8 years old, several obsidian arrow points, and a very beautiful little ceramic human head. Since my first visit in company of my parents, I have been in love with Teotihuacan. I want to learn more about the recent archeological findings, and the results of your dedicated research. Thank you so much for sharing your knowledge with us. I have been living in Southern California, U.S.A. since 1984. I miss the richness of ancient mesoamerican cultures readily available in Mexico. Sincerely, George Frank Carrillo

  4. I need to find someone to appraise an artifact ( statue) my mother acquired in 1952 in Guatemala and need direction I was told the culture may be Olmec

  5. Congratulations for the connection between the Sun Moon and the buildings of the earth, In Egypt Giza is the same . There are three pyramids with small pyramids too. They tell us the half year Khefren, the whole year on the east level of the Khufu, and a very important Moon calendar of Menkaure. See the youtube
    -Giza site plan Sun Moon Goczey Andras- the title of my work about the three calendars of these pyramids. Andras

  6. It’s wonderful to be able to read article’s like this from my home town also I do happen to have a few questions if possible. Mexico is rich in many aspects starting with Nature the people and the archeology but yet corruption and greed leads to pain and suffering to the community who might get some type of “help” from archeologist who are trying to find ancient Treasury which it’s a beautiful find but when greedy Gov sees Benjamin’s they will take there own people down so any estranjero lleve a su crew para excavar y sacar algo que VALE MAS QUE LA VIDA DE UN Teotihuacan pero un dia HUITZILOPOCHTLI y el Jaguar nos levantará con fuerza.

  7. Archaeologist David Carballo- I obtained an original pre-Aztec sculpture of a bird head about 2 inches tall. Appears to be lead core with clay exterior? It was given to me from a missionary priest who spent a good part of his life in South America.
    I have photos of the sculpture but don’t know who to send them to.

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