• Susan Seligson

    Susan Seligson has written for many publications and websites, including the New York Times Magazine, The Atlantic, the Boston Globe, Yankee, Outside, Redbook, the Times of London, Salon.com, Radar.com, and Nerve.com. Profile

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There are 4 comments on Volunteer for Haiti, but Do It from Home

  1. After searching online for a week, it was such a relief to receive this article through the BU newsletter. While I do feel the urge to get on a plane every day, this article tells me very directly why this is not a good plan, and identifies the ways that I can be of service here – something that many online sites are not addressing.

    Thank you….

  2. One thing that was not mentioned at this presentation was the other “disasters” going on around the world. In times like this, there is an outpouring of support for the immediate emergency–Haiti–but please try and give to organizations’ general funds so your money can be used to support the disasters that don’t make front-page stories.

  3. Good advise but I personally don’t think only people trained are capable of handling disasterous situations. I think there is something within each human being that can rise up and face tough situations that no one can predict. So if people want to get on the plane and go and they get clearance to go- let them go and when they can’t handle they will find that out for themselves and get back.

    I know the Haitians, will forever need support but desperate situations sometimes need desperate measures. I disagree with Onyango saying there is no hurry to help- yes there is.

  4. the previous commenter, seems to neglect to realize that unless you are trained in the specific skills that are needed, you take up place on a plane and you consume valuable resources (such as clean water) while you’re there. As Americans we consume much greater amounts of water than the average Haitian. If we go, we will be taking at least one local person’s water–what we have to offer better out-weigh that…by quite a bit. And those iodine tablet you want to bring, send them, they need them.

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