Kazem Azadzoi named to the International Continence Society Hall of Fame
Hold everything! Kazem Azadzoi is named to the International Continence Society Hall of Fame.
Professor of surgery and urology at MED Kazem Azadzoi was recently appointed to the International Continence Society Hall of Fame, an organization that studies the diagnosis and management of lower urinary tract dysfunction. Azadzoi, who is also research director of surgery and urology for Boston’s Veterans Association (VA) and a health scientist for the Boston VA Research Institute, received the honor while attending the Society’s 35th annual meeting in Montreal, Canada.
Azadzoi’s presentation entitled “Role of ischemia and oxidative stress in bladder neurodegeneration” earned him the spot in the Hall of Fame. He is a member of various other professional organizations and has received many awards, including being mentioned in Who’s Who in America in 2006.
“I am so happy that my contribution to medicine has received international recognition,” says Azadzoi. “Indeed, innovation is the key to success in medical sciences.”