**The American Studies Program is not accepting applications for the 2025-2026 academic year. Please reach out to the Graduate School of Arts & Sciences at grsphd@bu.edu with any questions.**

Undergraduate Admissions are handled centrally at Boston University. Application information for the BA in American Studies can be found at bu.edu/admissions.

Applicants to the graduate programs should use the online application, which is available on the Graduate School site: Online application form.

The American Studies Program at Boston University offers three graduate level degrees:

  • MA in Preservation Studies
  • JD/MA in Law & Preservation Studies
  • PhD in American Studies

More information on admission to the Preservation Studies Program can be found here. For more information about the program also see the Preservation@BU newsletter.

The PhD program only accepts applications for fall admission, and the deadline to submit your application is December 15. Please note the date change from years past. For more information about the PhD program see this year’s brochure. Application requirements for the PhD program can be found here

There are a variety of additional resources available to students considering a graduate degree in American Studies. The Graduate School of Arts & Sciences does offer Application Fee Waivers for individuals who participate in specific programs or who have documented financial hardship. Please visit the GRS website to see if you qualify and apply for the fee waiver.Check out our American Studies PhD page for greater detail. Learn about our faculty, financial assistance for the PhD, and meet some students and alumni. Email us to plan a visit.  And if you’re as excited as we are about our approach to American Studies, begin your application here.