• Caryl Rivers

    Caryl Rivers is a College of Communication professor of journalism; she can be reached at caryl@bu.edu. Profile

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There are 5 comments on POV: The Grim Reaper Meets Tail Gunner Joe

  1. It’s a truly remarkable lack of self awareness that makes this largely-innuendo, McCarthyite attack on Steve Bannon so ironic. Progressives have run McCarthyite smears for thirty years, calling out as “Nazis” and “Fascists” any Republican opposing their programs. McCarthy conducted his “red scare” for a few years, almost alone; the “black scare” attack on Republicans has continued with endorsement from a large portion of the Democrat party, plus news and entertainment media. Bannon’s a junkyard dog, but calling him “McCarthy” is, well, McCarthyist.

  2. McCarthy I think has been misaligned by the largely liberal pop-history revisionists. Yes he was not a perfect person, but he was actively fighting against a very real communist threat to the American way of life. He was a hero willing to accept being smeared by revisionists to save America, from the communists who had infiltrated and subverted Hollywood, the media, environmentalists, and civil rights leaders.

    Bannon is very much of the same vein, he is brave enough to say what others are not even under threat from liberal agencies that have been infiltrated by terrorists, minority radicals, and their sympathizers.

  3. But here’s what the establishment won’t tell you. Attorney for the Army Joseph Welch was no champion. (M Stanton Evans “Blacklisted by History: The Untold Story of Senator Joe McCarthy and His Fight Against America’s Enemies.”)

    And it wasn’t a case of a lone Senator Joseph R. McCarthy versus the Army. Rather, whistleblowers in the Army had come to McCarthy for help.

    In 1954, the subject of 35 Red moles at the sprawling Fort Monmouth complex in New Jersey had some in the Army leadership on the ropes. McCarthy’s committee was at its best. The Swamp had been losing the battle to cover up Russian subversion of our government left over from Roosevelt and Truman. Eisenhower was hopping mad – not about subversion but about McCarthy.

    Then the establishment exposed McCarthy staff attorney Roy Cohn for taking a shine to G. David Schine in seeking special privileges for Schine’s Army enlistment.

    At first glance, it wasn’t a good move by McCarthy when he lost his temper and brought up at Army-McCarthy hearings the subject of Welch’s associate Fred Fisher having been a past member of the communist-front National Lawyers Guild.

    Yet it was Welch himself earlier in the April 15, 1954 New York Times who first outed Fisher!

    The Left always leaves out McCarthy’s response, “Mr. Welch talks about this being cruel and reckless. He was just baiting; he has been baiting Mr. Cohn here for hours…”

    Welch had been gay-baiting Cohn on national television, talking about “fairies.”

    It turns out that Welch welched on a pre-hearing agreement where he wouldn’t bring up the brilliant young prosecutor Roy Cohn’s homosexuality in return for McCarthy’s silence on Fisher.

  4. Many thanks to Prof. Rivers for writing this telling exposé of the Bannon phenomenon. The fact that this proto-fascistic buffoon could have generated such an awful impact on American democracy is extremely depressing. The vigorous pushback against the Bannon bane must continue–at the ballot boxes and on the streets.

    1. Prof Iffland is absolutely right. If McCarthy, Bannon & Pres. Strumpet were/are so correct, why the need to constantly lie & distort the truth? The truth would suffice if their concerns are genuine.

      The corrosive effect of lying & distortion is apparent in the comments above. They offer nothing on McCarthy beyond the fear-mongering that characterized the 1940s & 50s. Bannon & McCarthy are just misunderstood & maligned (not misaligned!) & have decent, honorable impulses? Give us a break. It’s no accident that “McCarthyism” is an American byword for conscienceless character assassination combined with calculated hatred. We can thank Donald Strumpet for making McCarthyism more legitimate than it’s been for 60 years. Fortunately the Republic is more durable than its enemies. Resist!

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