
The field of nanotechnology, the manipulation of matter on an atomic or molecular scale, emerged during the past two decades and has already transformed many industries and holds tremendous promise for overcoming some of the important challenges we face as a society. To harness the full potential of nanotechnology requires the collective expertise of scientists and engineers from a range of disciplines. Our faculty – physicists, biologists, chemists, engineers, and medical researchers – work together, at the intersections of their disciplines, to solve some of the grand challenges we face.

BUnano center was established to advance research and training in nanoscience and nanotechnology, and facilitate translation of scientific discoveries of BU faculty to the market. The commitment to its mission is reflected in the Pilot Grant Programs that supports collaborative faculty research through seed funding and offer interdisciplinary training to doctoral students working in the area of nano science and engineering.

BU’s strengths lie in four areas: nanomedicine, nanophotonics, nanotechnologies for energy, and nanomaterials.  At the Nanotechnology Innovation Center, a special but not exclusive emphasis is on nanomedicine and nanotechnologies for cancer diagnosis and treatment.

BUnano faculty

Other areas of research include:

  • Drug packed nanoparticles to treat cancer
  • Human Genome sequencing with nanopores
  • Nanophotonics to optimize solar energy use
  • Nanowire sensors for biomarker detection
  • Nanoelectromechanical systems
  • Nanomaterials for neuron regeneration
  • Nanoparticle sensors for global health
  • Graphene-based nanoscale pressure sensors
  • Nanotube spectroscopy
  • Carbon nanotubes to improve energy efficiency
  • Nanostructure improvements to optics
  • Nanotheranostic approaches to clinical needs