
The listing of a course description here does not guarantee a course’s being offered in a particular term. Please refer to the published schedule of classes on the MyBU Student Portal for confirmation a class is actually being taught and for specific course meeting dates and times.

  • STH TY 906: Human Development
    Human Development Course Description: The goal of this course is to achieve an understanding of the human developmental process and how that process integrates the growth of faith and the life of the community. We will use a series of theoretical readings, broader lectures by the professor, and selected autobiographies to apply theory. As our experiences provide excellent laboratory data, there will be various opportunities to examine our own life processes as a way of seeing theory in action. Course Objectives: By the end of the class, students should: - know the primary developmental theories, including psychodynamic, cognitive, behavioral, social learning, faith development and be able to identity of variety of lesser used theories - be able to critique developmental theories using the insights of feminist theory, studies in racism and sexual identity, and the reality of globalization - be able to apply theory to case material - discuss the relationship of human development and community context
  • STH TY 926: Couple and Family Dynamics
    This course includes a comprehensive overview of the field of family systems and family therapy. It will serve as an introduction to the theory and techniques of couples and family therapy. An attempt will be made to integrate theory and practice through assignments, class activities, and personal and professional self-reflection. Students will have the opportunity to reflect upon how they might actually use course content professionaly in their respective disciplines.
  • STH TZ 911: Doctoral Research Internship
    All PhD students at STH are required to fulfill a 300-hour teaching and research internship in semesters 3-8 of their degree program. Exceptions are outlined in the PhD Handbook. The internship affords the student a close mentoring relationship with a faculty member while becoming apprenticed into the life and work of a teacher/researcher.