Study Abroad Option in Visual Arts

Studio Arts Program in Venice

Boston University’s Venice Studio Arts program offers courses in graphic design, painting, drawing, printmaking, sculpture, art history, architectural studies, and Italian language. The curriculum is designed so that all majors can benefit from the electives offered, broadening students’ educational experiences in one of the most fascinating cities in the world.

The BU space, near Santa Margherita, houses painting and drawing studios, a graphic design lab, classrooms, and a reception and reading area for study and downtime. Printmaking and sculpture are taught at the Accademia di Belle Arti di Venezia.

Students live in a dormitory located a short walk from the BU space, and program staff help students acclimate to Venetian culture. Drawing on Venice’s rich history, the curriculum is enhanced by visits to local museums, galleries, and landmarks, as well as trips to important cities including Florence and Rome.

The Venice Studio Arts program is available during the fall and spring terms. The curriculum consists of 16–18 units of Italian language, art history, and studio art courses. The fall term curriculum is designed for junior-level students in the Graphic Design and Architectural Studies programs. The spring term curriculum is designed for sophomore-level students in the Painting and Sculpture programs. Students majoring in Printmaking, Art Education, and the BA in Art may consult with their advisor on which term best fits their academic program.

Visual Arts minors who have previous experience in college-level studio art courses are also welcome to attend the Venice program, as are students from other institutions. A summer program, during which students take two 4-unit courses, is also available.