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There are 5 comments on New Test for Alzheimer’s Risk?

  1. The Framingham study outcomes analysis needs publicity!
    Elder participation in balance and strengthening exercises contributes to stronger grip and faster walking pace than the cohort who refuse to participate!

  2. My hubby retired 8 years ago, sat and did nothing really except watch TV he is slim and was healthy. He has a slow gate, he was diagnosed last year with Alzhimers. Think this is probably related to some dementia,s but not all. My motto is ,If you don’t use it you loose it.stay active use your brain.

  3. The doctor told my dad he has early alzhemiers. He is 70 years old and has a sister who has had Parkinsons Disease for ten plus years.. I know when i had to have hand surgery i had to have therapy in both hands due to weak grip. Definitely would know of any websites or such that give accurate information on Alzhemiers n Dementia. Thank you.

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