Lab Group Alumni
- Minkyu Moon (Ph.D. 2020, Postdoctoral Research Associate, Research Assistant Professor 2020-2023), Assistant Professor, Kangwon National University, South Korea
- Douglas Bolton (Postdoctoral Research Associate 2018-2020), Remote Sensing Data Scientist, Indigo Ag
- Eli Melaas (Ph.D. 2014, Postdoctoral Research Associate, Research Assistant Professor 2014-2018), Remote Sensing Data Scientist, Indigo Ag
- Jordan Graesser (Postdoctoral Research Associate 2016-2018), Research Officer, University of Queensland
- Damien Sulla-Menashe (Ph.D. 2015, Postdoctoral Research Associate 2015-2018), Software Engineer, Indigo Ag
- Josh Gray (Postdoctoral Research Associate, Research Assistant Professor 2012-2016), Assistant Professor, North Carolina State University
- Leah Cheek (Postdoctoral Research Associate 2014-2016), Data Scientist, Hewlett Packard Enterprise
- Koen Hufkens (Postdoctoral Research Associate 2010-2012), Marie Skłodowska-Curie Fellow, INRA Bordeaux Aquitaine, Ghent University
- Sangram Ganguly (Postdoctoral Research Associate 2008-2010), Research Scientist, NASA Ames Research Center
- Bin Tan (Postdoctoral Research Associate 2005-2008), Research Scientist: Biospheric Sciences Branch, NASA Goddard Space Flight Center
- Xiaoyang Zhang (Postdoctoral Research Associate 2000-2005), Professor, South Dakota State University
Ph.D. Students
- Radost Stanimirova (Ph.D., 2021), Research Associate, Land and Carbon Lab, World Resources Institute, Washington, DC.
- Leticia Lee (Ph.D., 2022), Geospatial Engineer, Gaia-AI, Boston, MA.
- Jon Wang (Ph.D., 2019), Post-doctoral research scholar, Department of Earth System Science, University of California, Irvine.
- Qiong Hu (Visiting Ph.D Student 2017-2018) Assistant Professor, Central China Normal University
- Xiaomam Huang (Ph.D. 2014) Geospatial application engineer, Twenty First Century Aerospace Technology, Singapore.
- J. Meghan Salmon (Ph.D. 2012) Post-Doctoal research scholar, Center for Sustainability and the Global Environment, University of Wisconsin; Currently Research Associate and Adjunct Faculty, Northland College
- Manish Verma (Ph.D. 2012) Post-Doc, California Institute of Technology (Caltech)/NASA JPL
- Allesandro Baccini (Ph.D 2005) Research Scientist, Woods Hole Research Center
- Callan Orodyne (M.A. 2005) United States Department of State, Beijing, China
- Joe Santanello (Ph.D 2005) Physical Scientist, Hydrologic Sciences Branch, NASA Goddard Space Flight Center
- Annemarie Schneider (Ph.D 2005) Assistant Professor, University of Washington
- Alexander Lotsch (Ph.D 2004) Manager, Forest Carbon Partnership Initiative, The World Bank
- Rongqian Yang (Ph.D 2002) Research Scientist, National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration
- Douglas McIver (Ph.D 2001) Vice president of Product Management, Magento Software
M.A. Students
- Mary Farina (M.A. 2014), Research associate, Woods Hole Research Center, Woods Hole, Massachusetts
- Parker Abercrombie (M.A. 2013), Scientific programmer/software engineer, NASA Jet Propulsion Laboratory, California
- Douglas Bolton (M.A. 2011), PhD student in Forest Sciences at the University of British Columbia
- Adam Sibley (M.A. 2010), Ph.D. student in Forest Ecology at Oregon State University
- William Boykins-Morris (M.A. 2007) Ph.D. student in Geography at the University of Vermont
B.A. Students
- David Miller (B.A. 2013). PhD student at the University of California, Santa Barbara.
- Max Metcalfe (B.A. 2012). GIS Analyst, Apple Computer Corp.